Dansk //

GUNMA designer simpelt og klassisk badetøj.

Rikke og Kristian startede GUNMA, fordi det var besværligt at finde en simpel og klassisk bikini. Processen var uoverskuelig, størrelserne var svære at afkode, og hvis man endelig fandt en model, man syntes om, var den ikke til at få fat på igen året efter. Da de spurgte deres veninder, fandt de ud af, at Rikke ikke var alene med den frustration. Det blev de nødt til at gøre noget ved.

English //

GUNMA designs swimsuits that are classic and simple.

Rikke and Kristian founded GUNMA because they discovered that it was difficult to find a classic and simple bikini. The proces was confusing, the sizes were hard to decode and if you finally did find a model you liked, it was impossible to find again the year after. When they asked their friends, they found out that Rikke was not the only one with this problem. They decided to do something about that.



København 17-18 juni 2023
Designmarked: København 25.-26. maj