LOUTAN STUDIOS ideologi er slow fashion. Det er en blanding af små off seasons kollektioner og made to order productions kurateret i Danmark. Produkterne er målrettede, håndlavede og detaljeorienterede udført med stor passion. Tøjet er lavet af deadstock (materialerester fra fast fashion) hentet i Italien. Nogle af LOUTAN STUDIOS-materialer er produceret i 70’erne og 80’erne, og smukke er de stadig, fordi naturlige fibre holder længe, hvis du passer godt på dem!

Slow fashion udfordrer og fortolker etablerede arbejdsgange i modebranchen, hvor

overproduktion og ekstremt højt tempo er blevet normen. LOUTAN STUDIOS ønsker at bevæge forbrugeren i en retning af mere bæredygtigt og bevidst forbrug drevet af slow fashion-idéen, og ønsker, at kunden skal vide, at et gennemtænkt design og godt håndværk er i højsædet her. Den unikke kollektion kan købes i XS,S,M,L,XL, og kan personligt tilpasses eller laves på bestilling fra et udvalg af materiale sortiment.


The ideology of LOUTAN STUDIO is slow fashion. It’s a mix of small off season collections and made to order productions curated by me here in Denmark. The products are purposeful, handmade, and detail-oriented with tangible passion. The clothes are created from deadstock (material leftover from fast fashion) sourced in Italy. Some of LOUTAN STUDIOS fabrics were produced in the 70s and 80s, but they are still beautiful because natural fibers last a long time if you take good care of them! Slow fashion challenges and interprets established workflows in the fashion industry, where overproduction and extremely high tempo have become the norm. LOUTAN STUDIOS wants to move the consumer in a direction of more sustainable and conscious consumption fuelled by the slow fashion idea, and I want our customers to know that thoughtful design and good craftsmanship are paramount here. The unique collection can be purchased in XS,S,M,L,XL, and can be personally altered or made to order from our selection of materials.



København 5-6 marts 2022
Designmarked: København 25.-26. maj