Nava Copenhagen

Nava Copenhagen is a Danish jewelery brand founded in 2019 by twin sisters Camilla and Maria Rindal Petersen. The jewelery at Nava Copenhagen is inspired by the girls’ many travels around the world and the experiences they have had with different cultures, customs and nature. They have made sure that the jewelry reflects this, which helps to make them unique and beautiful, while at the same time keeping them simple and classic. They strive to make the jewelery enchanting and elegant and hopefully create a desire to travel in those who wear it.




Aarhus, Aarhus 13-14 april 2024, Aarhus 16-17 november 2024, Aarhus 22-23 april 2023, Aarhus 24-25 September 2022, Aarhus September 11-12 2021, Aarhuus 12-13 November 2022, Art Maze 31 aug - 1 sept, Art Maze december 2024, Fabrikken 2-4 dec 2022, København 02-03 december 2023, København 12-13 oktober 2024, København 14-15 oktober 2023, København 17-18 juni 2023, København 5-6 marts 2022
Designmarked: Aarhus 29.-30. Marts Designmarked: København 19.-20. April