Silke & Bomuld by Z

Dansk //

Bag brandet står Zulfizar Akhmedova, der har en stor passion og erfaring inden for design og en ambition om at introducere det traditionelle usbekiske håndværk med bomuld og silkestof i Skandinavien. SILKE & BOMULD by Z produkter er designet og syet af Zulfizar, og hun fortsætter traditionen, hvor evnen til at sy er en integreret del af kulturarven. Zulfizar vil dele med danskere de farver og materialer af hendes hjemland, Usbekistan. Hun laver bl.a. pudebetræk og chapan, usbekiske jakker, i ikatstof. Unikke Ikat-puderne pifter de danske stuer op, mens farverige, traditionelle chapan-baserede design bliver til fine kjoler for festlige dage.

English //

Behind the brand stands Zulfizar Akhmedova, who has a great passion and experience in design and an ambition to introduce the traditional Uzbek craft with cotton and silk fabric in Scandinavia. SILKE & BOMULD by Z products are designed and sewn by Zulfizar, and she continues the tradition, where the ability to sew is an integral part of the cultural heritage. Zulfizar likes to share the colours and materials of her homeland, Uzbekistan. She is making pillowcases and chapan, Uzbek jackets in ikat fabric. The unique Ikat pillows pifte up the Danish living rooms, while traditional chapan-based designs make comfortable and unique dresses for any occasion.



Aarhus 10-11 juni 2023, København 5-6 marts 2022
Designmarked: København 25.-26. maj