
We heard the people when they stated that they wanted less meat and less dairy products. We noticed how many of the alternatives are full of additives and not very natural.
Our vision is to create delicious plant based dairy alternatives without compromising naturalness.
We are so accustomed to the vast uses of dairy products, yoghurts and cremes that we take it for granted. Breakfast, lunch and dinner will not look the same without dairy products
But many people are actively trying to avoid milk products for various reasons: Lactose-intolerance, allergies, discomfort, animal welfare or environmental issues. Dreamy foods provide the solution: Healthy plant-based cremes and dips with live probiotic cultures. Fermentation is the process in which active bacteria cultures are changing the food product to give distinct flavors, creaminess and health benefits. Fermentation is an age-old technique used to preserve foods, but new research shows many health benefits of fermentation as well. Fermentation has traditionally been used to create dairy products but the method can be applied to plant-based foods as well, creating a vast range of new innovations.






We heard the people when they stated that they wanted less meat and less dairy products. We noticed how many of the alternatives are full of additives and not very natural.
Our vision is to create delicious plant based dairy alternatives without compromising naturalness.
We are so accustomed to the vast uses of dairy products, yoghurts and cremes that we take it for granted. Breakfast, lunch and dinner will not look the same without dairy products
But many people are actively trying to avoid milk products for various reasons: Lactose-intolerance, allergies, discomfort, animal welfare or environmental issues. Dreamy foods provide the solution: Healthy plant-based cremes and dips with live probiotic cultures. Fermentation is the process in which active bacteria cultures are changing the food product to give distinct flavors, creaminess and health benefits. Fermentation is an age-old technique used to preserve foods, but new research shows many health benefits of fermentation as well. Fermentation has traditionally been used to create dairy products but the method can be applied to plant-based foods as well, creating a vast range of new innovations.




Designmarked: København 25.-26. maj