Line Bekker står bag LIBE. Hun har altid haft en kærlighed til at skabe, og for mange år siden kastede hun sin kærlighed ind i strikkepinde, danellanål og uld. For hende er der noget helt magisk i, at man kan tage en garnnøgle og ved hjælp af helt upraktiske teknikker gøre den til noget smukt og brugbart. Alle produkter fremstilles i hånden ved Lines lille arbejdsbord.
Line Bekker is behind LIBE. She has always had a love for creating, and many years ago threw her love into knitting needles, danella needle, and wool. For her, there is something completely magical in the fact that you can take a yarn key and, using completely impractical techniques, turn it into something beautiful and useful. All products are made by hand at Line’s small work table.