Reevein Studios

Reevein Studios is a high end category of design flowers and collectible floral pieces you can keep forever. Inspired by the fragile and beautiful nature but with an everlasting mindset. Their production is as much as possible, based on leftover and reused material. Every piece is handmade by artists and floral connoisseurs.



Aarhus 23-24 April 2022, Art Maze 31 aug - 1 sept, Fabrikken 2-4 dec 2022, København 02-03 december 2023, København 14-15 oktober 2023, København 22-23 Oktober 2022, København 23-24 marts 2024, København 25 26 februar 2023
Designmarked: Aarhus 29.-30. Marts Designmarked: København 19.-20. April